Hope and Heal Blog

  • December 2, 2021|

    How We Should Address California’s Gun Violence Problem

    Six years ago, 14 people were killed in the tragic mass shooting at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino. To prevent more senseless gun violence and pave a new way to work collaboratively on equitable and community-led solutions, we need to move beyond the cultural and political divides. Countinue Reading>>
  • May 26, 2021|

    Statement on San Jose Shooting

    Our hearts go out to the eight people who were shot and killed and the injured at a Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) yard in San Jose, California this morning. While we gather more details about the shooting we need to ensure that we support the victims and their families through this difficult tragedy. Every three hours someone in California is killed by gunfire. These numbers, unfortunately, add up quickly and we can, and must, do more to end the gun violence epidemic. There are far too many mass shootings, far too many gun homicides, and far too many firearm suicides that plague our state and our country. It is long past time for action. You can be sure that the team at Hope and Heal Fund wakes up every morning exploring and implementing strategies to make our state safer for ALL Californians. Our hearts are heavy today but our will is strong and we will succeed in ending the gun violence epidemic. Be well. Stay safe. Countinue Reading>>
  • December 2, 2020|

    Five Years After San Bernardino Shooting: Why Our Work Is More Important Than Ever

    Today marks five years since 14 people were tragically shot and killed and another 22 people injured at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino. Countinue Reading>>
  • September 1, 2020|

    Gun Violence Prevention as an Integral Part of Community Revitalization

    Successful economic development and neighborhood safety cannot succeed unless gun violence, in all of its forms, is addressed in communities. Countinue Reading>>
  • June 5, 2020|

    We see you. We hear you. We support you.

    Every June organizations, communities, corporations, and funders paint their worlds orange in support of Gun Violence Awareness Month. This year it takes on another level of urgency with the extreme turmoil, hurt, and heartache in the country. Countinue Reading>>